Hisia Safaris, el viaje de las emociones

Local currency in Kenya: kenian shilling (KSH)

Local currency in Kenya: kenian shilling (KSH)

An important consideration when planning your safari to Kenya is to know which currency is used there, what is the exchange rate, where can we change, etc. To quickly solve this aspect of your trip, we'll tell you some things you need to know:

In Kenya, the local currency is the Kenyan shilling (KSH) and, currently, one euro is about 118 shillings. On the banks of your country you can't normally make the change because it is a small value currency and banks don't usually have them.

We will bring euros or dollars, as the two currencies are widely accepted there. In most places you can pay with these two currencies, but in each place they apply the change suits them, so for us the most advantageous will always be charged in local currency.

You can change at the airport on arrival, or in a bureaux de change in Nairobi. Also during the journey your guide will tell you where there are exchange offices if needed. And you can also change in your accommodation, most lodges and tented camps have shillings to change, but of course, here the change is not so advantageous. As in the vast savannah there are no banks and many places to change, they take advantage of it!

We hope that with these few tips you have clear the subject of money in Kenya. Anyway, any questions you may have or anything you need during your safari, your guide will be happy to help you!

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